MAME 0.114u1


Release Date

MAME 0.114u1 was released on 12 April 2007.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Nicola Salmoria added actual emulation of the microcontroller used for the Namco 50xx chip as found in Bosconian and Xevious.
  • Curt Coder fixed the XABR opcode in the COp420 core, added LBI skip for extended opcodes, and fixed the CPU name in save states. Added GAME_SUPPORTS_SAVE flag to the Cidelsa games. Draco still has no sound though.
  • Curt Coder fixed a crash in playch10 driver when run standalone.
  • Ville Linde added a skeleton driver for Konami Viper system.
  • Added skeleton driver for Dreamcast-based systems.
  • Justin Szczap added DIP locations to the mario, mrdo, sheriff, and spacefb drivers.
  • Firewave added a debug attribute to the XML output.
  • Ville Linde got the Hang Pilot driver working. The analog controls are still missing, however, so it's still marked as non-working.
  • Couriersud fixed a crash with multithreaded rendering and the graphics viewer.
  • Ville Linde improved the NWK-TR driver to get Thrill Drive mostly working.
  • Nathan Woods fixed a bug that caused video glitches when frameskipping due to using out of sync textures.
  • Aaron Giles updated video timing in the Sega System 16, Hang On, Out Run, and X-Board games according to measurements from the boards.
  • Aaron Giles substantially changed the TMS340x0 interfaces to allow the CPU emulator to directly manage the video screen. Glitches in several games are now fixed as a result (for example the flashing screens in NBA Jam are now gone at last).
  • Aaron Giles fixed internal timer counting in the TMS32025 core. This makes the music in Cool Pool and 9 Ball Shootout bearable.

Game Support

Games added or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status

Clones added