MAME 0.36b1


Release Date

MAME 0.36b1 was released on 19 July 1999.


The known contributors for this version are, in alphabetical order:

Specific Contributions

The known contributions for this version are, in the order specified in the whatsnew:

  • Zsolt Vasvari added sprite-sprite collision detection and other improvements in the Taito SJ games. This fixes Bio Attack. Wild Western is now fully playable.
  • Andrew Prime made major improvements to the System 16 driver, most games are working now. Many still lack sound though.
  • Nicola Salmoria fixed controls and graphics in Commando (Sega), which is now fully playable. This also fixes diagonal shots in Bosconian. Jungler shots are broken though.
  • Tatsuyuki Satoh added a new digital YM3812/YM3526 emulator (in the DOS version, use -noym3812opl to enable it). It doesn't support the rhythm section yet, but is overall better than the old one.
  • Brian Lewis added triple buffer support in tweaked VGA modes to the DOS version. Warning: this is slower than standard tweaked modes.
  • Nicola Salmoria added the -hotrod switch to adjust the default keyboard settings if you are using a HotRod with the DOS version.
  • Nicola Salmoria changed the DOS version to be compiled with Allegro WIP 3.9.23. IMPORTANT: there is a bug in Allegro's new keyboard handling, which will prevent numeric pad keys from working properly when used together with ctrl and alt. Until it is fixed in the main Allegro distribution, you will have to replace the source file allegro\src\misc\pckeys.c with the provided one, and recompile Allegro.
  • Nicola Salmoria rewrote the OS dependant keyboard interface. A rewrite of the koystick interface will follow. The OS dependant code now only has to provide four functions:
    • osd_get_key_list()
    • osd_is_key_pressed()
    • osd_customize_inputport_defaults() [optional]
    • osd_wait_keypress() [optional]
    • everything else is handled by the main core.
  • Phil Stroffolino added a new sprite manager, used in System 16, Ninja Gaiden, Shoot Out, Blood Bros.
  • Nicola Salmoria took the gfx drawing functions out of common.c into the new dragfx.c. In preparation for further changes to the data structures, abstracted the low level data copying and used macros to generate 8-bit and 16-bit versions.

Game Support

New Games added or promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING status

New clones added